Bravo MullenLowe Sri Lanka!

4as News

Bravo MullenLowe Sri Lanka!

4as News



We're proud to share that MullenLowe Sri Lanka were named Advertising Agency of the Year and took home a further 18 awards at The Four A's Advertising Awards!

Congratulations to MullenLowe Sri Lanka who was named Advertising Agency of the Year and received 19 awards at The Four A’s Advertising Awards!

The awards included one Grand Prix, six Golds and four Silver prizes and were awarded across seven campaigns.

MullenLowe Sri Lanka was also shortlisted a further five times across the Digital, Film & TV, and Static categories for work with brands Lifebuoy, Softlogic Life Insurance, and ICL Brands.

Take a look at the winning work below:

Unilever Lifebuoy ‘Statues of Women’

1x Grand Prix in Outdoor, Out of Home & Transit
1x Gold in Integrated – Integrated Campaign
1x Gold in Outdoor, Out of Home & Transit – Best Use of Activation
1x Gold in Outdoor, Out of Home & Transit – Best Use of OOT Interactive Technology (Non-Website)
1x Gold in Outdoor, Out of Home & Transit – Best Use of Technology
1x Gold in Outdoor, Out of Home & Transit – Breakthrough Achievement in OOT
1x Gold in PR – PR Special
1x Silver in Social – Best Use of Technology
1x Bronze in Digital – Best Use of AR
1x Bronze in PR – PR Products & Services

Harshini Kithulagoda ‘Yaaluwoda Yaaluida

1x Gold in PR – PR Special

Yaluwoda Yaluida Concept Board

ICL Brands ‘Helping Girls Stay in School

1x Silver in PR – PR Products & Services
1x Silver in Static – Static Campaign

ICL Brands ‘Unwrapping Shame’

ICL Brands ‘Dads Do Pads’

1x Bronze in Film & TV – Film & TV Single Up to 60 Seconds
1x Bronze in Film & TV – Film & TV Special

Unilever ‘Close Encounter’

1x Bronze in Film & TV – Film & TV Special

Softlogic Life Insurance ‘Dead Ringers’

1x Bronze in Film & TV – Film & TV Special

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