Persil Gets Gold

Taboo News

Persil Gets Gold

Taboo News



Congratulations to MullenLowe UK who have been awarded two Golds for their 'Let's Wash Away the Taboo' campaign for Persil!

We’re so excited to share that MullenLowe UK has won 2 Gold awards at the The Creative Circle Awards UK 2024!

Both prizes were awarded for Unilever Persil’s ‘Let’s Wash Away the Taboo’ campaign. They received one Gold in Best Image for Positive Change (Campaign) and one Gold in Best Photography (Campaign)
Huge congratulations to MullenLowe UK! Take a look at the winning work below.

Persil 6sht Open Letters 2023 V8 Ltr1

Persil 6sht Open Letters 2023 V8 Ltr2

Persil 6sht Open Letters 2023 V8 Ltr3

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