Comeback Again. And Again.

Omo Comeback Again

Comeback Again. And Again.

Omo Comeback Again




Continuing OMO's 'Dirt is Good' positioning, the 303 MullenLowe Australia campaign encourages people to 'Comeback again. And again'

In a bid to get more Aussies and Kiwis back on the pitch, back into sport, and back to getting dirty, OMO has launched a new campaign via 303 MullenLowe.

Using its long-standing ‘Dirt is Good’ positioning, the new trans-Tasman campaign focusses on someone making a comeback to sport after a long break, and the fun and mess it generates.

With a tagline of “Comeback again. And again” and directed by Dave Wood of GoodOil, it reinforces OMO’s connection to ANZ sport, and its ability to wash away the dirt from a game – encouraging people to play on.

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This is the next chapter in the highly effective and longstanding ‘Dirt Is Good’ brand idea. Having given kids’ permission to get dirty for years, OMO is now inspiring grown-ups to get back to the pitch.

Jody Elston, Chief Strategy Officer, 303 MullenLowe Sydney
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“AusPlay data reveals that participation in organised sport drops away for young and midlife adults as life gets in the way. We wanted to show that anyone can stage a comeback and remind them of the fun they’ve been missing out on. In today’s sanitised world, it’s refreshing to see adults enjoying the fun and freedom that comes with sport and not worrying about the dirt. And what better way to demonstrate the restorative power of OMO Ultimate than by telling the story of a middling weekend footballer returning to the pitch, albeit very briefly!”

Running across TV and OOH in both Australia and NZ, the campaign also comprises in-store activity, with a special OMO offer to cover sport registration fees in 2025 for those planning their own sporting comeback.

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Unilever Australia’s home care marketing manager Annie Lucchitti said research undertaken as part of the campaign development had reinforced the strong connection both Australians and New Zealanders have with sport. However, many believed their “best sporting days were behind them, thanks to life’s demands, other priorities or aching bones”. “That’s where OMO can help,” Annie said.

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Not only do we want to encourage more Aussies and Kiwis to get back to sport, but we want to help them believe that grand comebacks are within reach. Anyone can head back to the pitch – with their self-doubt washed away. We love this campaign’s ability to reinforce that OMO is a product you can come back to again and again as part of your own sporting comeback.

Annie Lucchitti, Home Care Marketing Manager, Unilever Australia
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“OMO has been demonstrating Dirt Is Good for decades, and with sport being such an integral part of ANZ’s fabric, we want to encourage people to challenge themselves again to get back into those communities and surprise themselves with what it can be in their lives at all ages.”

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