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Princesses on Periods
Princesses on Periods
With Bayer Consumer Health and Dorival, MullenLowe UK and MullenLowe US have launched Princesses on Periods, a brand new campaign that helps redefine menstruation for teens.
MullenLowe has launched a new content platform, Princesses on Periods, for Bayer Consumer Health Brand, Dorival, in Central America.
The UK team took the reins from start to finish, driving strategy, creativity, and production oversight alongside partner agencies. Creative Director Carlos collaborated with strategist Diana Lopes to craft the project’s vision. Rebecca Harrison, as client partner, and lead producer Kelly Baker, both UK-based, formed the project’s core team. With support from a global network and production partners such as Big Studios, Miracle VFX, and Jamute, the team worked hand in hand to breathe life into the project and animate the princesses.
Even though 1.8 billion people across the world menstruate, many of these girls, women, transgender and non-binary people are unable to deal with their periods in a dignified, healthy way.
This vicious cycle begins early, as girls entering puberty find navigating this new life stage far from a fairy tale: getting their periods for the first time, they lack the necessary information and feel uncomfortable talking about them.
Sadly, many don’t even know what periods are before experiencing them.
To change this story, Bayer and Dorival partnered with MullenLowe to create Princesses on Periods, a content platform that features classic princesses reimagined as modern young girls, unafraid to use their voices to tell other teenagers the full story of periods.
In these tales, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella aren’t stuck in castles talking to animals; they’re going to school, having fun with their friends, gaming on Twitch, sharing makeup tips and playlists… just living their best lives – and also, getting their periods.
The content platform uses search data and social listening to identify and respond to the most frequently asked questions regarding periods, with each princess providing credible advice on topics ranging from understanding the menstrual cycle, navigating PMS and solutions to pain.
Patricia Corsi, Chief Marketing, Digital and Information Officer of Bayer Consumer Health, says “This creative idea from MullenLowe brings to life important aspects of “Health for all” and our commitment to SDG #3 – Good health and wellbeing. With our brands we aim not only to support self care but also to educate consumers about their health so they can live healthier lives – and this is exactly what “Princesses on Periods” does – educates in a fun, engaging way while providing education about periods.”
Juan Manuel Nuss, Pain Brand Manager at Bayer Consumer Health Central America, adds: “Even though periods should be a normal conversation topic, many teenagers still feel ashamed to talk about them. Dorival has long been focused on championing women’s empowerment and we want to provide young girls with tools and confidence to go through their periods in their own comfortable manner. Every girl has periods, but all periods are lived differently. And that’s normal.”
Carlos Andrés Rodriguez, Global Creative Director at MullenLowe, concludes: “Fairy tales and Princesses’ stories have always had the power to inspire. We found the perfect opportunity to bring these classic characters to the modern world of today. It’s no longer about Princesses hidden in castles, or being rescued by Princes: now they’re kick-ass gamers, streamers and influencers, keen to help educate little girls around the world.”
Going live across Central America, the digitally-led campaign will feature across TV, OOH and social channels.
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