Seen By The Best Eyes
The Miracle of Natural Bubbles
The Miracle of Natural Bubbles
This article was originally published on LBBO
Güitig Water shares the miracle of its natural bubbles in real-time around the world.
The iconic Ecuadorian brand Güitig shared its extraordinary origin with the whole world. Through a live broadcast from the depths of its waterfall in Machachi, the mineral water brand revealed to everyone how its natural bubbles are born – literally.
Nicolás Begaries – category director, Beliv Company, comments: “Güitig is part of the only 1% of volcanic waters with natural bubbles in the world, and we wanted to share in real-time how this miracle of nature happens every second. It’s a simple yet powerful piece that doesn’t need anything else to excite everyone with our origin.”
The campaign was created by the Ecuadorian agency MullenLowe Delta, under the concept ‘Emociónate Otra Vez’ (Get Excited Again), which invites Ecuadorians to get excited with the origin of the bubbles and with those little things that make life extraordinary, like this miracle of nature that can be enjoyed in real-time for the first time on various platforms.
For Elizabeth Cajas and José Lizarzaburu, creatives at MullenLowe Delta, the challenge was mainly to show the world how incredible Güitig water is: “We had a unique product in our hands, but we didn’t know how to say it. Until we realized that we didn’t have to say a word, we just had to show the Güitig springs in Machachi in real-time to the world, so they understand the extraordinary origin of this water.”
What made this broadcast special is that every second was unique because a new bubble was born every moment, due to a volcanic wreck of millions of years. From this, the agency created unique billboards that showed how this miracle of nature was produced. Every second and every hour, a different video was naturally created, which was shared with the world.
Güitig’s bubbles reached YouTube and all the brand’s channels, and even reached the historic Times Square, all in real-time from the source in Machachi. In addition, the action started with hero content that told the story of these bubbles and invited users to watch them live from anywhere in the world.
Thousands of Ecuadorians inside and outside the country were thrilled with the action and shared their pride through social networks. Together with the digital agency Nobox and Pumares, a media kit was created to invite influencers to the broadcast, as well as sampling in Times Square and digital interactions for the Güitig Lovers community.
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