Unwrap Summer

Cornetto News

Unwrap Summer

Cornetto News




Cornetto unwraps the summer season with a new hand-crafted poster campaign by LOLA MullenLowe

Cornetto ice creams filled the streets as soon as the first rays of summer appeared. In celebration of this, the ice cream brand launched a hand-crafted poster campaign to boost brand awareness and evoke the feeling that summer starts with the first unwrapping of a Cornetto.

The campaign, created by the agency LOLA MullenLowe Madrid and production company PICT, combined the iconic Cornetto wrapper with all the representative elements of the season – including surfers, boats, waves, pool inflatables, beach umbrellas, and more. These elements were artistically mixed with the classic Cornetto wrapper to form a stunning handcrafted collage. This distinctive feature made the campaign stand out due to its craftsmanship. The result was one-of-a-kind posters that visually captured the essence of summer’s joy.


The craft behind the campaign was a true challenge. It involved using magazine clippings and experimenting through hundreds of trials and errors with the iconic Cornetto paper to achieve the perfect composition for each poster. Every element was carefully photographed and placed to ensure that the final collage beautifully captured the spirit of summer and the joy of a Cornetto.


“At Cornetto, we have a simple mission: to position the brand as an essential part of summer in people’s minds. Thanks to our new brand campaign idea, ‘unwrap it’ we have uniquely associated summer with Cornetto by leveraging its distinctive brand asset at the centre of the creative idea. I am very proud of this campaign as it strikes the balance between the functional and emotional benefits, without any compromise,” said Barbara Scala, global marketing head of Cornetto. “This campaign invites everyone to experience the joy of summer whilst unwrapping a Cornetto.”


The poster campaign was launched during the European summer and is set to expand globally.

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It was wonderful to cover the most important cities in Europe with art, in a summer celebration where we associated the ritual of unwrapping a Cornetto with the start of summer enjoyment, executed with simplicity and iconicity.

Tomás Ostiglia, executive creative director at LOLA MullenLowe
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